Monday, January 22, 2007

A human snowman

Well as some of you know I work in the shipping area of my company, Superproducts, and I work both indoors and outdoors. It seems though during the winter, I spend more time outside grabbing parts. While I know that we have had little snow in comparison to other parts of the country, we have had our share. We today after the six inches we got yesterday, I had to go unbury some tubes and hoses outside. After about 10 minustes of pulling stuff out from the mounds of snow, I found I was buried by the powder. My clothes are still soaked from the snow. Hey wha't even better is I still have to go out there and the wind is picking up. I WILL TAKE HOT WEATHER OVER SNOW AND COLD ANY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!


Becky said...

oh my litle snowman. I love you whether you're wet or dry, hot or cold. come over and i'll make you a cup of hot chocolate

ryan young said...

you have hot chocolate!!!!!! now you tell me. I'll try to remeber that for next time.

Marni said...

Brrr. Sounds crappy. My dad retired last year and the thing he loves the most about retirement is not having to go out in the 0 degree weather and work (in the latter part of his career he connected/disconnected hoses to the rail cars at Pepsi as part of his job at 3 am). He hated every second of being out there cold so I understand it must not be very fun. Hang in there, spring will be here eventually -- I hope!

ryan young said...

what is spring?????? do we have that in wisconsin??? did someone say global warming???? sounds like a topc.