Saturday, October 13, 2007

Embarrising moment.

I have been working out at gyms for many years now, off and on, but what happened last night was a bit embarrassing. Lately I have been able to bench 185. Now I know that in certain areas I struggle, and the bench is one of those things. So last night I put on the weight, settle in to lift. I am not sure what happened after that, if I forgot to focus, of if during the day I was lifting heavy things, but as soon as I picked up the bar it dropped to my chest and I couldn't move it up. Not one inch. Well I was in quite the pickle there. Good thing there was another guy around, or I am not sure what I would have done. He told me it happens to everyone at some point. So needless to say I went on doing other things. What did we learn....... Make sure you are focused on your task, and don't get to puffed up in yourself.

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